Here at YFEM, self-care and growth are ideals that we encourage everyone to fully indulge in. Growing out of negative and unhealthy thought patterns and cycles feels impossible when you’re doing it on your own, and fully diving into caring for one’s mental health can be difficult for the average young woman in Africa, as dialogues around mental health are still relatively new and often still met with negative stigmas. We also understand that even with the ideal amount of support from friends and family, there is still a lot of work that one has to do with regards to how one talks to themselves. Dr Kelsei LeAnn, a clinical therapist who has specialized in childhood trauma has identified negative thought patterns that people may struggle with and that may inhibit individual growth, through the course of self-development. For each thought pattern she provides a healthy response to get past the limiting barrier. This article is adapted from Dr Kelsei LeAnn program “The You Effect,” which is available in greater detail in her podcast and book of the same name.
The biggest threat to our self esteem and confidence is what we tell ourselves, so this should be the first area we deal with. We will begin with identifying the types of bad thought patterns that are intrusive, we should learn to actively catch them and correct them. Types of bad thoughts :
i) Ignoring the good
Focus Points:
ii) Predicting the future and Mind Reading
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iii) Negative labelling
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iv) Using feelings as statements
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v) Should statements
Focus Points:
Y-Fem Namibia Trust is a feminist women's human rights organisation that focus of girls and women's leadership in Namibia.